Important Dates

Stetson Discount Deadline
Friday, March 28
Payment authorization must accompany order to receive discount pricing, all orders submitted after this date will be charged at the standard rate.
Initial Graphic Submission Deadline
Friday, March 21
Graphics are due for review and editing.
Final Graphic Submission Deadline
Friday, March 28
Print Ready graphics due for any signage orders.
Warehouse Receiving
Monday, March 24 to Friday, April 18
M-F: 9:00am to 4:00pm
Any materials received outside of these dates will incur a 25% surcharge.
Last Day to Arrive to Warehouse Before Transfer
Friday, April 25
If freight arrives after this date, a surcharge will be applied based on weight, dimension & piece count to transfer late to the show.
Show Site Receiving
Sunday, April 27
All shipments must arrive during these times to avoid surcharges or possible shipment refusal.
Carrier Check-in Deadline
Tuesday, April 29
To ensure all items are off the show floor by the end of exhibitor move-out, please have carriers check in by this time. All shipments left on the floor will be forced onto Stetson's onsite carrier at the exhibitors expense

  Show Schedule

Exhibitor Move-In
April 27
12:00pm to 5:30pm
Exhibit Hours
April 27
6:15pm to 7:15pm
April 28
8:30am to 5:30pm
April 29
8:30am to 1:30pm
Exhibitor Move-Out
April 29
1:30pm to 5:30pm

  General Information

Show Colors
8' Back Drape:  BLACK
3' Side Drape: BLACK
Booth Furnishings

Each 10' x 10' booth area will be provided with the following:

  • 1 - 6' long x 30" high skirted table (BLACK)
  • 2 - folding chairs
  • 1 - wastebasket
  • 1 - Booth ID Sign

The exhibit area is carpeted in hotel print carpet. To enhance the appearance and comfort of your booth, rental carpet and furnishings are available through Stetson Convention Services. Shop in our Carpet section for great selections.

Discount Price Deadline Date

In order to receive advance order discount rates, we must receive your order and payment by Friday, March 28.

  Shipping Information

Advance Warehouse Address

Tazmanian Freight

c/o Stetson/ CUPA

Exhibit Company Name, Booth #

22035 68th Ave South

Kent, WA 98032

Show Site Address

Sheraton Grand Seattle / Hall A, B, C
c/o Stetson/ CUPA
Exhibit Compay Name, Booth #
1400 Sixth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98101